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Centro de Investigación del Transporte - Noticias


The magazine Ciudad Sostenible highlights the active role of TRANSyT and the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory as benchmarks in the Sustainable Mobility Map. More information by clicking on the text.

Who's who in sustainable mobility? Special edition of the magazine Ciudad Sostenible: "The map of sustainable mobility, what is done and who does it". The transport of people and goods is one of the biggest challenges for cities, as it is the main cause of air pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. According to the Brundtland Report (1987), sustainability is "meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations." If the definition is transferred to the concept of sustainable mobility, it is the mobility model that allows you to move with the minimum environmental and territorial impacts. There are numerous plans, developments, projects, entities, strategies, etc., which aim to improve the future of urban mobility. Among all of them, Sustainable City includes the active role of TRANSyT and the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (WMO), benchmarks in the map of sustainable mobility.

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Source: Sustainable City, Q2 2015

The magazine also mentions the important work carried out by entities, networks and organizations such as the Spanish Association of Car-Sharing, AVELE, BCNECOLOGÍA, ATUC, IDAE, OMU-CAF, RECI, Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta and Red Ciudade.


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