18th Abertis International Research Award on Transport Infrastructure Management and Road Safety. Spain Click here for more informationPut here to see the Bases
Abertis, one of the main international groups in infrastructure management for mobility and communications and Abertis Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to develop, encourage and promote all kinds of activities related to the study and research on the participation of the private sector in the economic and social growth derived from infrastructure management, have created the Chair of Management of Infrastructures and Transport Services at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) to promote and concentrate comprehensive training in the management of transport infrastructures as well as research, development and innovation in transport planning and operations, road safety, investment costs, maintenance and management of transport infrastructures, transport demand and its behaviour, analysis of concessions, price pricing policy, the application of ICT to transport and other scientific, social, cultural, economic, technological and communication aspects of transport.
The Abertis Chair of Transport Infrastructure Management in Spain has two offices for historical reasons. The Abertis-UPC Chair is based at the School of Civil Engineering of Barcelona and is directed by the Professor of Transport, Prof. Francesc Robusté since 2003. The Abertis-UPM Chair is based at the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineers of the UPM and is directed by the Professor of Transport, Prof. José Manuel Vassallo since 2017.
In order to enhance the interest of Spanish university students, including regulated undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees, the Abertis Chair establishes the Abertis Research Awards on Management of Transport Infrastructures and Services and on Road Safety for the best study or unpublished research work defended or presented during the calendar year 2020 on the relevant subject (whether doctoral theses or undergraduate or master's thesis).
Together with the network of international chairs of transport infrastructure management that the Abertis group and the Abertis Foundation maintain with universities in the countries where the Abertis group and the Abertis Foundation are active, the Abertis International Research Awards on Transport Infrastructure Management and Road Safety are also announced, which will be awarded to the best research works (according to their theme) selected from among the winners of the national awards convened by the Abertis Chairs in the different countries.
The version finally in force will be the one published in http://www.catedrasabertis.com/ at the time of closing of the call.
1. The Abertis Chair created the Abertis Research Award on The Management of Transport Infrastructures and Services in Spain in 2003, and the Abertis Award on Road Safety in 2016, aimed at recognizing unpublished studies and research work carried out by university students, and dealing with the different aspects related to the management of transport infrastructures and services, as well as on Road Safety.
2. The Abertis Research Awards are open to all university students who in the year of the call have completed undergraduate, postgraduate, master's or doctoral studies in all Spanish universities.
3. Doctoral theses, dissertations, works or final projects of a research nature, or other research studies developed within the academic field, of which the student must be the sole author, may be submitted to the awards. The papers presented must have been defended or presented during the year 2020 (date that must be included in the research work).
4. The works can be written in any Romance language or in English and must be sent electronically to any of the two email addresses indicated, or physically delivered to the Abertis Chair in any of the two Spanish headquarters: UPC (c / Jordi Girona 1-3, Building B-1, Office 101, 08034 Barcelona, chair. abertis@upc.edu, Telf. 93 4015655), or UPM (Centro de Investigación del Transporte TRANSyT, c/ Profesor Aranguren 3, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, catedra.abertis.caminos@upm.es, Tel.: 91 0674222).
5. The 2020 application deadline (exceptionally) ends on 15 April 2021.
6. Applications must consist of a digital copy of the work (if it is too much to use WeTransfer or a link to a cloud server) that will always include:
– a summary of one (or a few) page(s) in English (can be the same thesis summary or dissertation) and, in addition,
– a letter (which may be the same body of the email) addressed to the Abertis Chair, in which they express their desire to apply, their contact details (name, ID, postal address, mobile phone and contact e-mail) and indicate the option to participate in the Award on Transport Management or road safety or both, and
– quality indicators of the research work in English: list of articles or publications derived from the research carried out, main contributions and originality regarding the state of the matter, in the case of doctoral theses.
It is reported that the personal data provided by the contestants will be included in files owned by the Abertis Group, the Abertis Foundation, the UPC and the UPM to manage the prize and to constitute the "Alumni Club of the Abertis Chairs", authorizing the processing of the data in the terms indicated. At any time the signatories may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to these data, by contacting those responsible for the Abertis files and the Abertis Foundation with address, both entities at Avenida de Pedralbes 17, 08034 Barcelona (Ref. Personal data), UPC with address at Jordi Girona Street 1-3, Building B-1, Office 101, 08034 Barcelona, for these purposes, and UPM with address at Calle Profesor Aranguren 3, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, for these purposes.
7. The resolution of the Prize will take place in the course of the year 2021. The Award ceremony will take place at one of the Higher Technical Schools of Civil Engineering in Madrid or Barcelona, or at one of Abertis' corporate headquarters in Spain, with assistance (physical or telematic) from prestigious personalities in the field of transport, infrastructure management and road safety.
8. The Jury will be composed of PhD professors from the UPC and the UPM with solid experience in transport research and many other directors of the Abertis group and the Abertis Foundation, and may be advised by professionals specialized in the topics of the candidacies.
9. As it is a research prize, the Jury will assess the contribution to the generation of knowledge at an international level (in the case of doctoral theses, reflected in SCI scientific articles as an objective indicator of having passed quality filters with international standards), taking into account in particular the analysis and modelling component, the specific results obtained, as well as the practical applicability of the research, and focused on the areas of knowledge of Abertis business operations.
10. The Abertis Research Prize has two modalities: A. Abertis Award for the Management of Infrastructures and Transport Services, endowed with 7,000 Euros; B. Abertis Road Safety Award for working with the most outstanding contribution to the improvement of road safety, endowed with 7,000 Euros. The Abertis Road Safety Award may coincide with the Abertis Award for Transport Infrastructure Management. In this case, the economic endowments of the respective prizes will be cumulative. From these gross amounts, the withholdings on account of the Personal Income Tax of the winners will be deducted, applicable according to current tax regulations.
11. In the opinion of the Jury, the Prize may be declared void, a single Prize (endowed with 7,000 Euros gross), proclaim an ex-aequo Prize (two tied candidates who distribute the prize at 3,500 euros gross each winner), or may contemplate a Prize (endowed with 5,000 euros) plus a Finalist (endowed with 2,000 Euros). It may also grant Runners-up or Special Mentions in any of the modalities, without economic endowment. The decision of the Jury is final.
12. The intellectual property of the awarded studies belongs to their authors. By submitting to the Abertis Prize, the winners authorize the transfer of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication of the awarded studies, for the maximum period of time legally permitted, in any of its modalities worldwide and exclusively to the entities promoting the Abertis Chair, without this implying in any way an economic consideration for any of the parties. In the event that the awarded work has had the collaboration of organizations, entities or companies, these may be included in the dissemination in the opinion of the authors of the work.
13. Participation in the national call for the Abertis Prize also implies participation in the international call for the Abertis Prize, in which the winners of the national awards convened by the chairs that the Abertis group has established in the respective countries compete, and which are also governed by these rules.
14. The Abertis International Prize in Transport Infrastructure Management and Road Safety will be awarded among the winning works of the national awards that the Abertis Chairs convene at the national level. The prize, at the discretion of the international jury, may be declared void.
15. The jury of the Abertis International Prize will be made up of all the directors of the Abertis Chairs and directors of the Abertis Group and the Abertis Foundation. The decision is made based on the ordering of the national awards from best to worst at the discretion of each director of Cátedra Abertis (the director of Chair of a country cannot vote for the candidates of his country and a consensus procedure will be applied to soften the variations of the votes with respect to fashion, ending with a video conference). The jury's decision is final.
16. The Abertis International Prize will be awarded at a public event to be held at one of the venues of the different chairs.
17. The International Prize does not entail any additional financial compensation to that granted in the national call, and is granted only for honorary and dissemination purposes, applying the same authorizations as to the national awards.
18. The submission of nominations for the Abertis Prize, and consequently for the Abertis International Award in Transport Infrastructure Management and/or Road Safety, implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of the call.