TRANSyT researchers, experts in urban mobility, participate in the European Mobility Week 2016.

Andrés Monzón, Professor of Transport and Director of TRANSyT, will present on September 16 a paper on Sustainable and Intelligent Urban Mobility, in a conference organized by the General Directorate of Traffic on the subject.
On the other hand, Rocío Cascajo, PhD from the UPM and senior researcher at TRANSyT, on September 20 will intervene in the Conference "Smart mobility, strong economy in Alcobendas", with a presentation on the general vision of mobility in Spanish cities and the European projects that are underway in this regard.
Finally, María Eugenia López-Lambas, professor of Transport and deputy director of TRANSyT, will moderate on September 22 a round table – workshop on "Good practices in urban mobility" organized by WWF.