Next Monday, May 29, TRANSyT Professor Antonio Páez, from McMaster University in Canada, will give the seminar "Big Methods for Small and Large Data: A Discussion from the Perspective of Transportation".
Big Methods for Small and Large Data: A Discussion from a Transportation Perspective
Antonio Paez
McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada)
The seminar will consist of a brief introduction to statistical and machine learning, followed by an interactive session with an expert in data analysis, to discuss the use of various methods in large and small data applications in the area of transport systems.
May 29, 2017
12:00 – 14:00
Room ETSI Roads, Channels and Ports
C / Professor Aranguren s / n
City Please confirm:
Antonio Paez is Professor in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences at McMaster University. His recent work includes studies on accessibility, spatial filtering, aging and mobility, spatial analysis of qualitative variables, transportation and social exclusion, the influence of the built and social environments on travel behavior, social networks and decision making, telework adoption, and blood donor behavior and trends. He has published widely, and is author or co‐author of over 50 papers, many appearing in leading international journals, including Environment and Planning A and B, Urban Studies, Geographical Analysis, Journal of Geographical Systems, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation, Transportation Research A, Papers in Regional Science, International Journal of Health Geographics, Growth and Change, and Social Networks. He also co‐edited the book Progress in Spatial Analysis: Methods and Applications published in 2009 as part of Springer's series Advances in Spatial Science. He currently serves as Editor‐in‐Chief of the Journal of Geographical Systems, and sits on the editorial board of Environment and Planning A.