Abertis opens the deadline for the submission of applications for the 13th Abertis International Research Award. The deadline is 31 December 2015.
In order to enhance the interest of Spanish university students, including students of regulated undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees, the Abertis-UPC Chair establishes the Abertis Research Award on transport infrastructure management for the best study or unpublished research work (doctoral thesis, thesis, article) defended or presented during the calendar year 2015.
Doctoral theses, dissertations, final degree projects or other research studies developed within the academic field, which must have been defended or presented during the calendar year of 2015, may be submitted to the prize.
The Abertis-UPC Chair Award is open to all undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and doctoral university students from all Spanish universities.
The works can be written in any Romance language or in English and must be presented at the Abertis-UPC Chair, c/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Edifi cio B-1, Despacho 101, 08034 Barcelona, catedra.abertis@upc.edu Telf. 93 401 56 55, Fax 93 401 72 64.
The deadline for submitting applications is 31 December 2015.
For more information download the brochure.