María Eugenia López and Andrés García have worked on the preparation of the CIVINET Report on the bicycle in Spain, which will be presented at the College of Civil Engineers on Tuesday, September 29.
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Publication of the CIVINET Report on the bicycle in Spain.
María Eugenia López and Andrés García have worked on the preparation of the CIVINET Report on the bicycle in Spain, which will be presented at the College of Civil Engineers next Tuesday, September 29.
Only 6 cities, of the 18 studied, include their Bicycle Plan in the SUMP, which indicates that there is room for improvement in urban planning. Indeed, when the measures included in the Mobility Plan are combined with the more specific ones contained in a Bicycle Plan, the joint effects are better exploited, facilitating the process of implementing cycling strategies. It is also noted that the most common policy followed by cities is to create cycling infrastructure, probably because it is easier to implement. Other types of behavioral measures or that involve restrictions on drivers of private vehicles, are always more controversial.
It is very likely that private vehicle drivers are not yet "mature" enough to live with the bike, and that is why some sectors insistently demand the construction of bike lanes as the only way to encourage themselves to use it. It is important the effort made by cities in recent years, trying to get the bicycle off the sidewalks, making them circulate on the road, living with the rest of urban traffic. To this end, it is essential to strengthen security for the most vulnerable elements, since some initiatives adopted by cities (lanes 30, safety distance), will only work if there is at the same time a tightening of surveillance.
Although it may seem otherwise, the truth is that the stagnation experienced by the demand in the public bicycle systems that we could consider mature, is actually a good symptom, since the use of private bicycles continues to increase, and this denotes the fulfillment of one of the objectives of this type of systems: promote cycling mobility. The other systems must bet on installing a greater number of stations, so that the urban territory is vertebrate in a more compact way.
However, in view of the data collected, it is confirmed that bike lanes – although necessary – do not guarantee greater cycling mobility. At this point, other complementary measures become especially important, which wrap the bicycle and encourage it to go out on the street. For example, more advertising of the bicycle registry, courses to learn how to ride a bicycle, to know how to circulate, maintenance, etc.
It is very important to make people aware that the bike lane is not necessary, except in some cases, and to take away their fear of driving on the road. It is very important to continue advancing in the measures that promote intermodality with public transport: schedules, fares, cards, etc. Nor should we forget that although the availability of bicycles and bicycle parking is fundamental, accessibility is no less so, with an extensive and coherent network throughout the territory.