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Centro de Investigación del Transporte - Noticias

Bicimad Draw

Result of the Prize Draw of the "BICIMAD Survey 2019"

On June 24, 2019, the prize draw of the BiciMAD2019 survey was held.

Under the supervision of Felipe Gabaldón Castillo, Secretary of the School of Civil Engineers, Channels and Ports and in the presence of 4 participants of the survey, the prize draw has taken place. The following winners and alternates have been elected:

Voucher for 150€ 50904908C 51459008G 1740
Voucher for 100€ 2336 2987 7441
Voucher for 50€ 11849523S 09035810F 50439788Y
Voucher for 20€ 6561 3043 1673
Voucher for 20€ X1674639D 80078714M 50555531J
Voucher for 20€ 30968872Q 51142368M 50864093F
Voucher for 20€ 43347993P Y6214191R 53309388B

The identifiers of the prizes are the card numbers that gave access to the survey or, where appropriate, the DNI/NIE.

In the event that the winners do not respond within 48 hours of communication by email, the first alternate will be contacted who will have the same response time and, failing that, the second alternate.

Only the winners of the draw will be contacted by email.

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