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Job offers and scholarships

20/12/2024. The Transport Research Center (TRANSyT) of the UPM, leader in mobility research in Spain, offers a three-year post-doctoral contract to work on national and international research projects in the following areas of work:

Discrete choice models, stated preference surveys and machine learning models, applicable to:

−Fare integration systems through mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platforms that integrate shared mobility.

−Evaluation of pricing schemes and incentives to improve sustainable mobility.

For the selection of candidates, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  1. Research curriculum vitae and quality of publications related to the workareas.
  2. Candidates’ knowledge of English language.
  3. Knowledge of mathematical and statistical programming tools: R,Python, Stata, Ngene, Biogeme, etc.
  4. Interest in publishing scientific articles.

The salary range will be between 32,000 and 38,000 Euro per year depending on the candidate’s CV, experience and knowledge. The candidate should join TRANSyT between February and May 2025. Applicants, send your curriculum vitae with the subject TRANSyT-PhD to:

Job Offer.