The Mobility cluster of the Future (MoviTur), directed by Andrés Monzón (Professor of Transport at UPM), and to which the GIAU+S belongs, has its impetus in a workshop organized by the UPM in December 2019. The meeting that was held to support the relations between R&D&I structures of the UPM (with a consolidated trajectory, in their respective disciplines), within the field of transport, mobility and its implications on the spaces of our urban areas. In total, 9 R&D&I structures were identified that are active in transport and mobility in urban areas, and another 9 that collaborate in technological aspects and data management and sensorization tools.
Cursos de Capacitación Digital en el Sector del Transporte financiados por el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana
Información General Los cursos de formación para la capacitación digital y sostenibilidad en el ámbito del transporte y la movilidad