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Centro de Investigación del Transporte - Noticias

Clarín María Eugenia News

News in the Argentine newspaper Clarín, after an interview with María Eugenia López Lambas, Deputy Director of Transyt

Public transport adapts to the new circumstances: Disinfection, more frequency of trains and buses. “With covid, as with any highly contagious disease, the evil is not public transport but any agglomeration. From the marches of March 8 to the football matches. It seems that the solution so that public transport is not demonized and we are not afraid to take it is that there is not such extreme contact, that we do not go crowded, that there is physical distance, not social, “says María Eugenia López Lambas, professor of Transport and deputy director of the Transport Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

transport after covid madrid

The Community of Madrid announced that, as of Monday, June 22, when the state of alarm is a memory and all of Spain is definitely out of quarantine trying to resume daily life that the pandemic froze in March, its public transport offer will work at 100 percent.

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