On July 22, the Development Advisory Council was constituted in charge of advising on infrastructure and transport. Andrés Monzón and José Manuel Vassallo, among others, make up this Council. More information by clicking on the text.
The Advisory Council created by Fomento held its constituent meeting in Madrid on Wednesday. This council aims to advise on infrastructure and transport, but, paradoxically, of the seventeen members that make it up, only two are experts in transport.
The Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, yesterday chaired the first meeting of the Advisory Council that has formed the ministry with the aim of contributing to achieve "the best planning of investments". Formed by "independent experts of recognized prestige", this group of wise men will also help to "foster the nexus and improve coordination between public and private initiative", according to ministerial sources.
However, of the seventeen members that make it up, only two are experts in transport matters. They are Andrés Monzón de Cáceres, Professor of Transport at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and Mateu Turró Calvet, Professor of Transport and Economics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
In addition, it is also striking that both the presidency and the vice presidency are occupied by experts in rail transport, which would indicate the real commitment of Pastor and his team to intermodality. Thus, the Council will be chaired by Andrés López Pita, PhD in Civil Engineering, Channels and Ports, Professor of Railways at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and member of the Royal Academy of Engineering since 2004.
The vice-presidency, on the other hand, will be occupied by Ignacio Barrón, MBA from IESE Business School (Madrid), Civil Engineer, Channels and Ports from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and president of the technical-scientific commission for the study of improvements in the railway sector.
The rest of the Council is made up of a professor of Building and Prefabrication, a professor of Materials Science, an economist, an aeronautical engineer in the specialty of airports air transport and air navigation services, an industrial engineer, a professor of Administrative Law, an engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports and a graduate in Business Sciences, an architect, a professor of Eerospace Vehicles, a professor of Civil Engineering and director of the Transport Research Center – TRANSyT (Andrés Monzón de Cáceres), a naval engineer, a Civil Engineer and the director of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (José Manuel Vassallo Magro).
(Source: www.logisticaprofesional.com)